An Interview with JM Dancer
1. What was your inspiration for the book?
I was watching a BBC documentary about fireflies. Something about the way they were signalling to one another across huge distances struck me, and I thought ‘what if people could do that’. I jumped up and recorded a voice message with the theme of the book, there and then, and started writing it the next day.
2. How long did it take to write?
The writing took about six months, and the editing about the same again.
3. Who inspired you to write in the first place?
My mum was a dedicated writer and amateur journalist. I think it really rubbed off on me, although sadly, she never lived to see this book.
4. Why the title?
In the story, the planet Gara has been wrapped in a shield that compresses the atmosphere and blocks the sunlight from reaching the surface
5. Had you been planning the book for long?
No, I was not intending to write a book, far less a creative novel. When the call came, I had no option but to follow it.
6. What stage are you at now?
The book is finished, artwork is underway and my literary agent is submitting it to mainstream publishers in the next week.
7. What is the book about?
The story touches on many themes that I know people find important. It is an exciting fantasy, action adventure.
8. What are those themes?
My key theme and message in the book are that good will triumph in the end. Others include: ordinary people do amazing things every day; love and light are stronger than darkness; and we are not helpless when we are all connected.
9. How would you describe the genre?
It is creative science fantasy adventure, with a twist. I trained as a scientist and enjoy combining the gritty reality of science, biology or physics facts, with fantasy, which makes the story seem real rather than fanciful.
10. Who is the book for?
It is for anyone who enjoys reading a gripping adventure story. I have had many readers who say they never read this genre, but they really enjoyed it.
11. What do you think is special about your book?
Every writer has a reason for writing. I think my book reflects many of the issues we are grappling with as humans living on this planet, right now. However, all the messages are very much in the subtext rather than front and centre.
12. Why a trilogy?
I realised very early on in my writing that the story cannot be told in a single book. It has to move to other settings and to expand, which was why it really could not be achieved in one go.
13. What is your ambition for the book?
I would love to see the book as a film. It comes to me very visually, in scenes, which I write down as they stream in. That means it is almost written as a screenplay. I could also see it is a video game, for sure.
14. Who is your favourite character?
Jiteck, he is strong with a depth that we don’t realise immediately. He is a man of mystery. I love the villains too, but you will have to read the book to find out who they are.
15. What is your book writing schedule?
Many writers say; ‘write every day’. The days I can’t write, I am imagining what my characters will be up to, when they leap onto the page. Sometimes, they demand to get out in the early hours of the morning.
16. When will the other books be out?
Book two is nearly written and book three is underway. All of the publication dates will depend on the publisher.
17. What next?
I have a wonderful agent, Wendy, next is to find the right publisher
18. What did you enjoy most about writing the book?
I love the way that by creating the characters and a plot outline, I was able to set them loose and in a way, they actually wrote the story. When I sit down to write, I hardly ever know exactly what the characters are going to do in that scene, which can be unsettling when you think you are writing the book.
19. What was the hardest thing about writing it?
The technical aspects of the edit can be extremely challenging. Writing is a craft that demands exactness, otherwise the word and punctuation can interrupt the story for the reader.
20. What is your advice to other writers?
They say we all have at least one book in us. When the moment comes, follow the call. Never hesitate or over-think it. Simply write.